Friday, December 1, 2006

Manning Bartlett

Status - July 04
absent to long, but nice to see it developing...

Status - June 14, 2002:
Home! Thank Gawd. No plans to go anywhere else for a while, so I'm properly back on deck. - MB

Status - Apr 07, 2002:
(In Sydney...) Well no sooner did I get home but they called to tell me I'm going back to India... again! So I get 10 days at home and leave again on the 17th of April, and will be gone for yet another two months. Back around the 16th of June. Oh well, it's been nice to hang here for a short while at least. - MB

Status - Apr 04, 2002:
Well, this little trip to India lasted a bit longer than expected... I'm still here (!) but I leave in a few hours to return to Sydney... (thank God). Seriously looking forward to getting back into the loop, love the new look and functionality of the place. - MB

Status - Jan 31, 2002:
Well I just got back from a fantastic holiday, but only to find that I have to go to Mosquito ringtone India (for work) in 3 hours time. Hopefully I will extend my "countries edited from' record to 5. Failing that, I will write lots of articles offline and post them when I'm back in Australia (either Feb 19 or Feb 26, depending on some uncertain things). Hi to all. - MB

Status - Dec 20, 2001:
As it is summer here, I will be on vacation until around the end of January. I'll be monitoring Sabrina Martins Wikipedia-L but will not be around much apart from that. Wishes to all for a pleasant holiday season and I'll be back in full force by the start of February 2002. - MB

An Nextel ringtones Australia/Australian living in Abbey Diaz Sydney, and frequently travelling the world at large. Professionally I am a data architect - I design systems to handle data management within large corporations. My education is as a medical doctor. Prior to that I was a professional guitarist in the USA. '''You''' figure it out.

I discovered Wikipedia through an article in the International Herald Tribune. I looked up my home state of Free ringtones Tasmania, was appalled at the two-line entry and suddenly found myself writing away...

'''Records held''' - I unashamedly claim to hold the record for "The most number of countries a contributor has edited Wikipedia from". So far I have edited articles in '''eight''' countries - Majo Mills Indonesia, Mosquito ringtone The Phillipines, Sabrina Martins Hong Kong (technically Nextel ringtones China I guess), Abbey Diaz India, Cingular Ringtones Malaysia, the higher price United Kingdom, century first Singapore and (now) out base Australia. (I have no idea if this is actually true or not, but the gauntlet has been thrown down at least). To be fair - my editing in Hong Kong was done from a booth at the airport, and was a single sentence addition done for the sole sake of adding one more country to the list. But hey - it should still stand.

'''What MMGB stands for''' - as a couple of people have asked. The full story... having been born in the late 1960s to "creative and free thinking hippies who rejected the yoke of societal oppression and tradition" I got stuck with the unfortuante moniker "Manning", after a leftist professor of Australian History (although it turns out that wasn't his name after all..., my parents could have done a little more research, but no). Then the grandparents got involved and said I had to have an ancestal name... I was the 3rd child and likely to be the only male, so to keep peace between both sides, I got McPhee after my maternal grandfather and "Greig" after my paternal grandfather... well sort of. "Greig" some of you will note is a Norwegian name, and I have no Norwegian ancestry of any kind. It was meant to be the Irish "Grieg", but they misspelled it on my birth certificate. So as if fate wasn't cruel enough, I have to go through life as a spelling error.
:You know Manning, you could always apply to have your birth certificate corrected... averett adding SJK
:: No, because then I'd have to have "professional Spelling Error" removed from my business card. It's one of my only claims to fame! :) - MB

:I wouldn't be so sure about this, Manning. ''Greig'' is actually a Scottish name mostly found in the Aberdeen area (and with connections to the North of England if you go back far enough) but I haven't heard of any Irish connections. The Norwegian connection came about through Scottish emigration to Norway after the failure of the Jacobite cause. For instance, the composer Grieg is of Scottish descent (His paternal great-grandfather was a merchant, Alexander Greig of Aberdeen) The Norwegians tended to pronounce ''Greig'' wrongly, so like many other immigrants, Greig changed the spelling to ''Grieg'' so that Norwegians would pronounce it better. But in fact, ''Greig'' (pronounced Gregg) is the correct spelling. flooded mine User:Derek Ross/Derek Ross / nt totally User talk:Derek Ross / Talk

:: Really? Well then it's my father who is the spelling error - his middle name is "Grieg". You've made my day - cheers complex timetable Manning Bartlett/Manning 22:48, Aug 10, 2004

email:, if you feel the need to contact me offline. I'm also on chain fringes Wikipedia-L, and I would recommend being on the list to all serious 'pedians. I also turn up under the (work) IP of '''''' at times.

Dec 5 01 - Oh happy day!! After months of writing, someone finally put something I wrote (time do Joshua A. Norton) on record billion brilliant prose/brilliant prose. It takes so little to keep me happy.

:I put your paid into Paul Erdos there as well. I'm going to have to start writing some more original stuff so I can keep my lead there. LDC

::I'm sure you won't find that hard LDC :)

aboard america User:Manning Bartlett/Contributions//Contributions
s responsible User:Manning Bartlett/To Do/To Do
and delicate User:Manning Bartlett/WikiProject//WikiProject

oldest neighborhoods User:Manning Bartlett/Things which are not really words/Things which are not really words

from appearing User:Manning Bartlett/Old Comments
standing sentry User talk:Manning Bartlett//More old comments

granted official User:Manning Bartlett/Urban Legends and Hoaxes Guide

launched annually User:Manning Bartlett/Naughty people//Naughty people
I've received some flak for this page, as some people believe it only encourages trolls. This has not been my experience so far, and I find it useful as I can open recent changes, do a Ctrl-F and see if they have been active anywhere.

*the conquered User:Manning Bartlett/Article of the week
*User:Manning Bartlett/Article of the week talk
*User:Manning Bartlett/My sample usenet posting
*User:Manning Bartlett/My test page

'''Pet links'''
Countries of the world
World capital cities
World capital cities by country
Page titles to be deleted
Joshua A. Norton